Starting Over…again

My name is Kaci, if you hadn’t already guessed by the name of the blog. If the name of the blog looks familiar, I’ve had one before over on Blogspot. If you’d like to check it out, you can do so here. It’s been quite a long time since I’ve sat down and visited there. A whole heck of a lot of life has happened since then and I’ve moved quite a few times since then. So new porch, new office, whole new outlook on life….new blog….new starts….so Howdy! Hey y’all! Welcome!

…new porch, new office, whole new outlook on life….new blog….new starts….so Howdy! Hey y’all! Welcome!

Starting over is something I’ve gotten good at in 46 years. So here I am, rambling once again. It’s something I’ve gotten quite good at, as well.

So who is Kaci?

I am a nutcase, a fruit loop, one of a kind and I march to the beat of my very own drum. Sometimes it’s more like a mariachi band, but its mine.

I believe in fairy tales and that they do come true, but we do have to work for them. I have instilled that belief into my two beautiful grown children, Austin and Bethanie; and am absolutely relishing in the light that is the love of the fabulous tiny humans that call me Gran.

I believe that joy is outward happiness regardless of inward circumstances. I believe in a loving, wonderful God who loves us so much that He became a man, died for us, and then defeated death and rose again on the third day. Some days I have trouble reconciling that loving God with the humans that He created and I will talk about those struggles, maybe you have them too.

I have encountered what I have heard referred to as “adult onset athleticism.” I only became active in recent years after becoming overweight, divorce, and then perimenopause all had wreaked their own havocs on my body. I NEEDED TO SLEEP!!! I accidentally started losing weight and it became a cycle. I keep doing things to have fun, I keep losing weight. My friends were asking what I was doing and if I could share, so here I am. The easiest place I can think of to share it all.

Thanks for stopping by, come back often and follow me on my adventures!??

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